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Welcome to
Wooley Mountain!


Welcome to Wooley Mountain!  I'm Leah, the owner and sole employee here.  Wooley Mountain Rug Works has been a long time in the making and is my way to share my passion with the rug hooking community and you, whether you're experienced at the craft or just learning.


Please explore my site! All rugs, banners and wall hangings are my own creation, unless specified.


Any completed works you see in the gallery will say if they are for sale or not, if you like an item but it can't be sold, dont worry! I can make another! Or I can design a pattern for you make your own creation!


Also see the Finished Wooley Mountain Rug Works Patterns in the Patterns section, some are coming in so you can see some color options! When you finish yours take a picture and send it to me!!

Me on hit or miss on rock near water

Me on hit or miss on rock near water

India close up on the rocks

India close up on the rocks

Gassets Grand Floral

Gassets Grand Floral

City Park

City Park

one of a kind, no pattern available, but can be custom drawn, this is 24.5" x 7'10" all #4 cut for sale on my Etsy page

Leaves and Berries

Leaves and Berries

Spirit and Majic Carpet #3

Spirit and Majic Carpet #3

Winter Mittens

Winter Mittens

Primitive August Stone Wall

Primitive August Stone Wall

Spirit and Big Geometric Rug

Spirit and Big Geometric Rug

Majic Capet #3

Majic Capet #3

pattern custom drawn to your size specifications

Leaves and Berries

Leaves and Berries

Big Geometric and Sugar house

Big Geometric and Sugar house

Majic Carpet #2

Majic Carpet #2

full size photo in patterns

Sunflower Trellis

Sunflower Trellis

Nana's Tree of Life

Nana's Tree of Life



Matthews Teddy Bears

Matthews Teddy Bears

City Park

City Park

Projects in Work!

This pattern is called Nancy. This is a Wooley Mountain Rug Works pattern. Approx 14"x14". and you can find it here.

This pattern is Primitive August, I started hooking it March 15th with a #8 cut.  It is 6'4"x3'4", BIG! You can find this pattern Here.

Pulled the last loop August first! Some may notice that I have added dragonflies to the pattern.

Matthew drew them for me!


I tend to not like too much background so the corners needed something.

The background is 50% black and the rest is dark purple,blues and dark green.

Fun winter Mittens in the Snow
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